Wendy Whitebread
The story is set in the fictional town of Avondale, Michigan. Wendy Whitebread is the top of her graduating class from the Avondale Police Academy. A straitlaced type, she reluctantly joins the vice squad and acts as a decoy prostitute as part of a sting operation. Wendy is assisted by her five Untouchables: Lin, Lea, Kate, Sylvie and Franchesca. Officer Paul Pureheart falls in love with Wendy and to be able to get her he becomes the serial "sexual offender" Mr. Misogyny. One night at a motel disguised as Mr. Misogyny he is fellated by Wendy, anally ravishes her while handcuffed to a toilet, then reveals his real identity to her, and consensually takes her virginity and proposes marriage, all with the Untouchables approving. Wendy enthusiastically agrees. They marry and Pureheart gets away with his crimes.
In Wendy Whitebread #2 (April 1992), Pureheart tries to cheat on Wendy with a prostitute, but is shot instead. There is an orgy and Pureheart is brought to his final resting place.
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