Xavier Musquera

by comixking | 11:59 AM in |

Xavier Musquera


(b. 26/12/1942, Spain/Belgium)

comic art by Xavier Musquera
Born in Barcelona, Xavier Musquera published his first illustrations at the age of seventeen. After publications in Barcelona, he began producing material for Britain (Thomson) and Italy (Mondadori). In 1974 he created the series 'Le Vicomte' for the Arédit periodical La Louve. From then on, Musquera specialized in adult comics, becoming a regular artist for Elvifrance and Campus publishers. Until the 1990s he worked in this field for several collections (Dossier X, Série Jaune, Série Rouge, etc.).

Apart from his erotic work, Xavier Musquera created historical comics from the early 1980s. He started with an comic adaptation of the Old Testament for Hachette in the early 1980s, followed by comics for the Larousse collection 'Les Grandes Batailles de l'Histoire'. He also took on collaborations with famous French/Belgian scenarists, like Stephen Desberg ('Envahisseurs sur Janus', Deligne, 1981), A-P Duchâteau ('Peggy Press', Deligne, 1984) and Jean Dufaux ('Melly Brown' in Tintin, 1984-87 and 'Lucius'). In addition, he produced 'Omega' for Deligne (1982) and 'Persée' for Glénat (1984).

Musquera continued his cooperation with Duchâteau in 1989 with three comic adaptations of Stanislas-André Steeman's 'Monsieur Wens'. In the adult genre, he took on the pseudonym Chris and contributed 'Angie' and 'Miss Bondie' to Bédé Adult (also in albums by Création Art Press). In the 1990s he continued to work for Création Art Press and also began a collaboration with Média 1000. In addition, he made 'Tour du Monde en 80 Jours' and 'Le Voyeur' for Glénat in 1991 and 1996. Musquera was also active in the advertising field. After many years working in Brussels, he returned to Spain where he continued his adult comics production for Cartoon Cómics.
Angie, by Xavier Musquera

