dtiberius:League For Ransom
by comixking | 12:43 PM in dtiberius, shemale, transexual, wwoec | comments (0)
dtiberius: Kimcest2
by comixking | 12:07 PM in dtiberius, incest, shemale, transexual, wwoec | comments (0)
dtiberius: Kimcest1
by comixking | 8:39 AM in dtiberius, incest, shemale, transexual, wwoec | comments (0)
Dtiberius art
by comixking | 8:36 AM in dtiberius, incest, shemale, transexual, wwoec | comments (0)
- Dtiberius- Dtiberius is a sick fuck who draws nothing but dickgirls and has as much talent as a thumbtack. He's also a WWOEC artist, but a first for WWOEC artists everywhere, Dtiberius rarely draws Lolicon and Furries. Although
90%100% of everything he draws is dickgirls. The other10%0% isn't even worth talking about. Dtiberius is a talented artist that demands top dollar for any of HIS patented illusionary paper figures as done by a pencil. Thus you cannot even think about his art without at least $500 dollars as $50 Dollars will get you nothing and $150 dollars will get you the majesty that is a background with some characters MAYBE should you be so honored. He has many fans that will tell you of his skills they are also top artists don't challenge them ever.
- Drama - Some sexual deviant who went by Mor-El commissioned a pic of Rogue jacking off, he then got in an arguement which caused Dtiberius to cry and whine on the forums about some evil man harassing him and to never do any art for Mor-El. Mor-El quickly learned that Dtiberius hates people who colour his art without permission, Mor-El quickly started coloring pictures for the lulz a move not yet seen in the community of intellects and connoisseurs. Drama eventually happened and people were totally hurt. Mor-El eventually continued to troll Dtiberius by posting on Kochan as him, and signing up to sites using his name.
A Proclamation of butthurt as told by Dtiberius - "SIGH!!!!!!!!! COCKSUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course it's not me.... this little bitch keeps getting lower & lower. This is all the work of one pathetic lowlife imposter... if anyone knows who he is, please burn him alive & bring me his charred skull. I just registered there myself just to tell everyone that he's a fraud, but "You can't comment 'till you validate your email." I DID confirm my registration email... but what else do I have to do to post there? EDIT*- NM... just got it to work. Everyone please go there and tell them it's not me. (Why the fuck would I just post my worst stuff... and so little... and be a total ass about it?) If I ever find out who & where this shithead is, I will fucking slaughter his sorry ass!!! *Smilie using a gun on a tombstone.* ... I'm dead fucking serious."
http://www.thesefiles.com/link/0d19db28Dtiberius ARTS : 134 comics in a single archive
dtiberius:Gloryhole Much
by comixking | 8:36 AM in dtiberius, incest, shemale, transexual, wwoec | comments (0)
Gloryhole Much
25 pages
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