
by comixking | 11:25 PM in |

Felix (Reinhard refuge)

Now also for Digimon

Pin UPReinhard Felix Karl Johannes refuge, a.k.a. FELIX, is class 1959 and comes
from brown situation at the resin. “I spent my childhood and youth in the idyllischen
Emperor city Goslar at the resin. “Why FELIX stresses again and again in his biography,
that it grew up at a large forest area, I can unfortunately
do not explain. Probably it has here, during its detailed
Forest walks his peace and inspiration found around the German draughtsman
to become for pretty women with “wood before the huts”.

Since one cannot live however on it in the resin always decently, it pulled Reinhard
to Aachen, which and he studied next emperor city in its life
there diagram Design with the emphasis illustration. After 7 years study (as many
were with me by the way also!) worked the freshly baked diploma
Diagram designer as free commercial artists and Illustrator. Work developed
for various large companies.

Within the range Comic strove FELIX in its style the large master of the pin UP Girls,
Alberto Vargas after.

FELIX Werke hang already today in museums! (Erotic kind museum Hamburg).
Its series PLAYBÄR and HONEY B. COOL become by the agency BROADWAY
1992 are world-wide published FEATURE PARIS.

At present FELIX his Comic and Design empire of the emperor city leads
Aachen out. Noun est omens?

Anyhow stands in his Kurzbiographie: It is considered to the most well-known as one
Comiczeichner Germany.



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